Hi, I'm Harsh Praharaj.

I'm a Data Scientist, interested in solving large-scale business problems, architecting robust machine learning models, and making critical decisions driven by data. Highly skilled in Python and SQL and using them to build end-to-end robust and scalable solutions while leveraging machine learning and deep learning libraries like Scikit-learn, Statsmodels, Prophet, PyTorch, Tensorflow, etc. Possess experience in various data science projects, combining data engineering, statistical, machine learning, and visualization knowledge with advanced coding skills.

About me

Information About me

Data Science masters student at University of San Francisco (Graduate in June '23) with over 3 years industry experience assisting business owners with decision making by developing world class machine learning solutions that conquer real-world business challenges. Passionate about translating business problem into a data science solution and solving it by converting complex data into meaningful stories to uncover insights. Furthermore, communicating these complex solutions in ways that business owners understand.

My Skills













My Timeline

2002 - 2014

Secondary School - Lokhanwala Foundation School

2020 - 2022

Machine Learning Engineer - Quantiphi Analytics

2014 - 2016

Senior Secondary Education - Pace Junior Science College

2022 - 2023

Data Science Master's Degree - University of San Francisco

2016 - 2020

Computer Science Degree - NMIMS University

2022 - present

Data Science Intern - SubWire

My Portfolio

Here is some of my work that I've done pertaining to Data Science/Engineering(Hover to see more).

Predicting Chess games

Designed an automated ETL pipeline using Airflow to pull data (approximately 3 million rows) of chess games from Lichess/Chess.com APIs and process it on GCP buckets. Transferred the stored data from the buckets to MongoDB clusters and connected to a databricks cluster to develop classification models.
Airflow, Spark, GCP, MongoDB

Search Engine Implementation

Implemented three different searching mechanisms to efficiently search through a large corpus of 4500 news articles.
Python, Hashtables

3D Semantic Segmentation - Colon Cancer

Developed a model to automate the detection of Tumour in a MRI. Implemented the encoder-decoder based deep learning architecture :- U-NET with Adam optimizer. Optimized the model by converting it to a TFLite Model to reduce the latency.
Keras, TFLite, NiBabel

Software Assisted Driving Aid

Developed a vision-based driver assistance system to enhance the driver’s safety with modules like Traffic Signal Classifier, Drowsiness Detection and Lane Detection.

Demand Forecasting using Backtesting

Created an automated framework for a demand forecasting problem to choose the best-performing model on a weekly basis.
FBProphet, ARIMA, Holt's Winter, Simple Exponential Smoothing

Plant Seedling Classification

Used pre-trained VGG16, ResNet50, and InceptionV3 networks to extract bottleneck features and built a model on top of each of them to evaluate and compare the model performances.
Tensorflow, Transfer Learning, VGG-16, TensorRT, TFF-Lite

My BlogsMy Blogs

How to Create Your Own Website

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus natus voluptas, eos obcaecati recusandae amet?

How to Become an Expert in Web Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus natus voluptas, eos obcaecati recusandae amet?

Become a Web Designer in 10 Days

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus natus voluptas, eos obcaecati recusandae amet?

Debbuging made easy with Web Inspector

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus natus voluptas, eos obcaecati recusandae amet?

Get started with Web Design and UI Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus natus voluptas, eos obcaecati recusandae amet?

This is what you need to know about Web Design

Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus natus voluptas, eos obcaecati recusandae amet?

Contact Me

Reach out to me here


: San Francisco, California


: praharajhp@gmail.com


: University Of San Francisco, MS in DS

Mobile Number

: +1(669)-281-6605


: English, Hindi